Written by Dan Istvanik

At Parent Ministry, we know you are already partnering with parents through: weekly interaction, email, social media, providing resources, prayer… and so much more.

To help you go that extra mile, we’ve put together a list of things that you can do to further your ministry to parents.

Here is a list of Ten “OTHER” Ways to Partner with Parents and Families.

  1. Become, or find someone to serve as, a “Big Brother” or “Big Sister” for children of single parents.
  1. Provide a job reference for parents seeking a job, or needing other types of professional references.
  1. Join a local school PTA and begin volunteering in PTA-sponsored school events, even if you don’t have children of your own.
  1. Open your office, after-school, once a week, for an hour or two to allow the students of your ministry, so parents can have time to run errands.
  1. Create a blog or website to host a free online library of resources, articles, and links for parents and teens.
  1. Create a regularly updated list of fun, free, family-friendly, seasonal activities in your area for families.
  1. Provide a list of free summer child/family lunch and dinner locations in your area, for families in need. (
  1. Plan a once-a-month, “Hospitality Night” in your home. Invite one or more families from your ministry over for “dessert.” Take the opportunity to talk and connect outside of formal ministry settings in the church building.
  1. Each week, choose one parent in your ministry to call/email/or write a note to – telling them something positive about their child/children. Parents often only hear from us, when there is something that needs to be addressed.
  1. Create regular events for parents and students to enjoy together. Prioritize communication as the focal point of the event. The greatest partnership opportunity we can provide is not another resource, program, or event, but rather, planned “be still” moments with parents and their children/family.


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DAN ISTVANIK is the Lead Content Writer at Ministry to Parents and is also a 5th to 8th-grade pastor in Lancaster, PA. He has been working in youth ministry for over 22 years, serving churches in Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Virginia. He is a speaker, ministry coach and writer, contributing to a variety of other great ministry resources. He shares daily middle school ministry specific resources, and hints on his own site “The Middle Years” at WWW.MIDDLEYEARSMINISTRY.COM