Your August Resources Are Here!

As ministry leaders who tend to focus on our specific age groups, we can sometimes miss a critical piece of the discipleship process. Sure, kids and teenagers need to spend time in and around their age groups as they grow in their faith. Still, it is just as vital for them to experience intergenerational relationships and glean from the wisdom of older generations. The exchange of ideas, experiences, and perspectives that can be shared between different generations has the power and the potential to cultivate a deep sense of unity and understanding of God that will enrich the lives of both the younger and older members. When we are intentional about creating and cultivating ways to bridge generational gaps in our families, ministries, churches, and communities, we create fertile ground and boundless opportunities for spiritual growth, mentorship, accountability, understanding, wisdom, grace, and encouragement that didn’t exist prior. What would it look like in your ministry if you were to be more intentional when it comes to including intergenerational discipleship opportunities? What would it look like in your church if it took a step towards creating and cultivating intergenerational relationships and leading individuals of all generations to embrace their unique callings and purpose?


This month’s M2P resources are designed to help you, as a ministry leader, embrace and take a step (or multiple steps) toward intentional generational discipleship. We believe that embracing intergenerational discipleship can strengthen your ministries, churches, and communities and equip the next generations (who are in your ministry right now) with the tools they need to carry forward a rich spiritual heritage and foster a vibrant and enduring legacy of faith.


Our Blog Articles and  Coaching Video will provide you with thoughtful insights, creative ideas, and practical steps your ministry can take to move your church into more intergenerational moments and ministry. Our Online Parenting Class Video and this month’s Toolbox Resource entitled The 4 I’s of Intended Influence: A Parent’s Guide To Intentional Intergenerational Discipleship will encourage and equip the parents within your span of care to be more intentional when it comes to guiding their kids and teens in the development of intergenerational relationships. And don’t forget to listen to the latest episode of the M2P Podcast with Christina Embree—a widely recognized speaker, writer, and thought leader in the areas of generational discipleship, intergenerational ministry, and family ministry. Check it all out, and let us know how we can better serve you as you seek to serve the parents in your church.


He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments; and that they should not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation whose heart was not steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful to God.

– Psalm78:5-8 ESV


The M2P Team


When parents are intentional about identifying and inviting trusted intergenerational voices (outside of their own) to speak into the life of their kids and teens, they create fertile ground and boundless opportunities for spiritual growth, mentorship, accountability, maturity, wisdom, and encouragement. Connecting kids and teenagers to hand-selected older, wiser adults who are then invited to challenge, enlighten, walk alongside, and provide another voice of wisdom and maturity is a critical and often overlooked part of faith development and discipleship. That’s why the team at M2P has created this Toolbox Resource entitled The 4 I’s of Intended Influence: A Parent’s Guide To Intentional Intergenerational Discipleship that will encourage and equip parents with the tools they need to identify and invite trusted intergenerational voices to influence and provide a lasting impact in the lives of their kids and teens.



  • Download The 4 I’s of Intended Influence: A Parent’s Guide To Intentional Intergenerational Discipleship and post it on your website.
  • Email parents a copy of the Toolbox Resource and encourage parents to set aside some time to prayerfully and thoughtfully work through it.
  • Print copies of the Toolbox Resource for parents to grab at church and let them know where they can pick it up.
To download, click HERE for youth and HERE for kids.

We all know (or we will after this month’s M2P resources) that connecting kids and teenagers to caring adults who model maturity and healthy faith is a critical part of their spiritual development. If, as ministry leaders or volunteers in these ministries, we can foster intergenerational relationships and create an atmosphere of intergenerational discipleship, the kids and teenagers in our church will be much more likely to develop a life-long faith that will have a profound and lasting impact on them. This month’s coaching videos encourage you and those who serve on your teams to look at your ministry area through the lens of intergenerational discipleship and take a step (or a few steps) by implementing a few things that will help to facilitate meaningful relationships between kids, youth, and adults. Faith should be lived out in community with one another, and the kids and teenagers who are a part of our churches need to be a part of the larger community with all generations.

To view, click HERE for youth and HERE for kids.

In this month’s Online Parenting Classes, we encourage parents to consider the power of intentional intergenerational discipleship and work to surround their kids and teenagers with trusted people of all ages who can spur them on in faith. Church is a great place for the next generation to be surrounded by, poured into, taught by, and intentionally cultivate relationships with past (and future) generations. For this to happen, parents must be proactive in identifying, inviting, and helping to surround their kids and teens with multiple voices of wisdom, maturity, truth, and influence. These Online Parenting Class Videos will provide parents with thoughtful insights, creative ideas, and practical steps they can take to make intergenerational discipleship a fundamental part of their kids and teenagers’ faith development. 

To view, click HERE for youth and HERE for kids.

New blog posts coming this month:


  • For Kids’ Ministry Leaders: “One Generation to Another” by Amy Diller
  • For Kids’ Ministry Parents: “Much More than Babysitters” by Amy Diller
  • For Youth Ministry Leaders: “Building a Faith that Lasts through Intergenerational Discipleship” by Karin Sasser
  • For Youth Ministry Parents: “Growing an Enduring Faith through Intergenerational Relationships” by Karin Sasser

To view, click HERE