Show Notes
How Churches Can Help Families Facing Divorce
With Tammy Daughtry
As the church is called to help families in crisis, sometimes leaders don’t know what resources to use. So Elisabeth and Jeremy kick off a new 4-part podcast series called How Churches Can Help Families in Crisis. In this episode, they invite Tammy Daughtry, founder of Co-Parenting International, to discuss how church leaders can best care for families going through a divorce. She provides wise insight into what parents experience within the first two years of a divorce. Also, Tony Bianco, from Family Technology Plan, offers a review of the Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma.”
Want more from this series?
#013: How Churches Can Help Families Going Through Cancer
#012: How Churches Can Help Grieving Families with Phillip Robinson
#011: How Churches Can Help Families Hurt by Addiction with Dr. Chip Dodd
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