Your March Resources Are Here!
During the month of March, while many in your life and ministry areas are distracted with leprechauns, four-leaf clovers, pots of gold, parades, wearing green, spring break plans, or drawing up the perfect NCAA basketball bracket, your M2P team thought it to be the perfect time to shine a bright spotlight on a topic that causes more distraction and is growing to be the root cause of more issues (both inside and outside the home) than almost any other—Screens. As children’s and youth ministry leaders, we know that there is a myriad of topics that need to be covered and conversations that need to be had as we seek to engage, equip, and encourage the families who fall under our span of care. However, there is no singular issue that feels more prevalent, pervasive, or poignant than that of how our kids and teenagers are learning to navigate the minefield of technology, screens, and social media. This ever-changing digital landscape in which parents are trying to raise their kids and teens can be complicated, frustrating, confusing, scary, and even incredibly dangerous. But one thing is certain: it’s not going away anytime soon. The constant innovation, proliferation, and saturation of technology in the lives of our kids and teenagers is just one more reason why we must do whatever we can to reach out a hand in an effort to better lead and equip parents to navigate this digital space.
We have an incredible opportunity as ministry leaders to steer the conversation, lead, challenge, and equip the parents in our churches and communities to help their kids and teenagers develop healthy perspectives and boundaries around screens, technology, and social media. This month’s M2P resources were designed to help you, the leaders who serve alongside you, and the parents in your ministry step into this conversation concerning how we all interact with screens. This month’s Online Parenting Classes challenge parents to pay close attention to how their family is living in the digital world. There are decisions parents can make to lead their children in healthy directions, and the online class helps parents think through key questions that they need to answer. Our Coaching Videos will provide you and your team with some practical things you can do to equip and encourage parents to engage. This month’s Parent Toolbox Resource is a video for parents from our friend Brian Houseman from 360 Family, creator of Screen Smarts, and the author of Tech Savvy Parenting. This incredibly insightful video will give parents some great tips on how to deal with their kids and teens when it comes to phone use, social media, and creating a healthy digital culture in your home. If you like this video, you can get videos just like this sent automatically to your parents each and every week through Screen Smarts. So, be sure to check that out! We have some insightful blog articles for both you as a ministry leader and your team, as well as one specifically for the parents you lead. The articles for you will help you focus on a few things you can do to challenge parents in their family’s digital lifestyle. Episode 77 of the M2P Podcast features an in-depth conversation with Brian Housman, where we talk about the importance of helping our children develop a true identity in Christ in the midst of their digital journey. And as always, our social media posts will help you keep this conversation in front of parents and hopefully lead them into the conversations they need to be having at home. All of this is designed to support you as you lead and encourage parents and families in an important area of life!
Always here to help,
The M2P Team
This month’s Parent Toolbox Resource is a FREE Screen Smarts video for parents from our friend Brian Housman. Brian is an influential voice in helping ministry leaders and parents discern how to guide their kids and teens to have a good perspective and healthy habits. He has traveled the world to teach and equip families since 1993 and currently serves as the Director of 360Family in Memphis, TN. Brian is also the founder of Screen Smarts, which is a revolutionary tool designed to help encourage and equip parents each and every week in just six minutes (You should go check that out! It’s an amazing tool that is fully automated, and you get it for LIFE!!). Brian is also a prolific writer for parenting magazines, most notably Parenting Teenagers, Homeschooling Today, and Parent Life. He has written four books, including Tech Savvy Parenting. Brian has been featured as a “parenting expert” (whatever that is) on more than sixty radio shows and TV programs, including FOX, ABC, and NBC affiliates.
We are incredibly grateful to Brian and Screen Smarts for partnering with M2P to provide you and the parents you minister to with a sample of one of his parent videos for free! This video can help parents develop a different perspective on how their kids and teens are interacting with technology, devices, and social media. It will also give parents the opportunity to talk with their kids and teens about different issues surrounding this topic. When it comes to how our families are navigating the world of technology and social media, it is so important to keep the lines of communication open. This video will help parents do just that.
- Download the video, share it with the parents in your church, and encourage parents to share it within their spheres of influence.
- Email parents a link to watch the video.
- Show the video in a parent class, gathering, or church service and facilitate conversation around the topic.
When we listen to parents talk about issues they struggle with today, one of the things we hear the most revolves around the challenges they face as they try to figure out how to help their kids and teens navigate screens and technology. Kids and teenagers today are most definitely “digital natives,” and they learn how to use the devices we give them very quickly. It seems like everyone has a smartphone or tablet, and they are getting them at earlier and earlier ages.
Our Kids and teenagers are being shaped and influenced in so many ways as they interact with the digital world. What they see, hear, and learn is molding how they think and how they see the world. Parents rely on screens and technology to accomplish a lot of things for their families. They also feel a sense of angst and apprehension as their children move deeper and deeper into a life surrounded by technology. Parents often don’t know what to do, or they slowly stop paying attention to the potential dangers of becoming consumed with technology. There are so many layers to this topic, and we have the opportunity to be in the conversation.
In this month’s coaching video, we want to help you and those who lead alongside you to think through how you can encourage parents as they try to figure out how to lead and shepherd their kids and teenagers through the digital jungle. We also give you some practical steps to take as you seek to have an influence on the families in your church. This is an important conversation, and parents need your support. Take the time to figure out how you can be a valuable voice to parents and help parents lead their kids to a healthy place in the digital space. Parents are looking for help and guidance, and your church can have an influence on their family. The decisions parents make when dealing with the questions and issues around technology, phones, and social media will have a long-term impact on their children, and you can help steer them in a better direction.
To view, click HERE for youth and HERE for kids.
Parents have a lot to juggle in life, and they are often looking for tools to help them make their lives easier. Over the past decade or so, there is no doubt that smartphones, tablets, and all they provide have become tools that we all use in family life. As our kids and teens begin to use these devices, it has potential for both good and harm. New ideas and concepts that come from images and captions can begin to form children and teens in lots of different ways. They are often introduced to concepts that they are not yet ready to process. Their brains simply aren’t developed enough to either understand what they are encountering (much less the amount of stimulation and speed at which they are encountering it) or discern how what they are seeing should impact their thinking.
In the midst of this, parents don’t always take the time and effort they should to evaluate how the technology they rely on impacts the growth and development of their children. Tablets, phones, social media, and all they bring simply become a normal part of life with little or no reflection on the long-term impacts. This month’s Online Parenting Classes both encourage parents in this area of life and challenge them to seriously evaluate how their family interacts with the technology of today. Not only do parents need to be watching what their children are doing, but they need to take a look at their own habits. Modeling matters and that is especially true when it comes to this conversation.
To view, click HERE for youth and HERE for kids.
New blog posts coming this month:
- For Kids’ Ministry Leaders: “Tackling Technology: How to Be a Resource for Parents” by Amy Diller
- For Kids’ Ministry Parents: “Technology and Your Family: Establishing Healthy Boundaries” by Amy Diller
- For Youth Ministry Leaders: “Technology and Teens: How to Encourage Parents” by Chris Sasser
- For Youth Ministry Parents: “Parenting Teens in a Technological World: Be Where They Are” by Chris Sasser
To view, click HERE