Your January Resources Are Here!

Let’s face it: life is busy. We all have a lot going on in our jobs, with our families, with our friends, and in life in general. So many things are coming at us all the time, and we can feel stretched and easily get overwhelmed. When that happens, there is one thing that often gets crowded out, and that is our own personal faith in God. We fail to focus on our relationship with God as we feel like we have to focus on so many other things. This month, we want to encourage you to make sure you, as a ministry leader, are giving your own faith development the time and attention that it needs. We also want to help you practically encourage parents to do the same. As parents learn how to deepen their own faith, they will better lead their kids and teeangers to deepen theirs. Their family will not be perfect, but they will be on a journey of faith together.


This month’s resource is a devotional exercise for parents to help them evaluate where faith development sits on their priority list. In the busyness of life, a focus on faith often gets crowded out. This exercise gives parents Scripture to read, reflection questions, and action steps that will help them value faith development on a deeper level.


  • Download the Focusing On Faith resource and post it on your website.
  • Email parents a copy of the resource and encourage them to set aside some time to read it and pray through how they can use some of the principles in their home.
  • Print copies of the resource for parents to grab at church.
  • Share a copy of the resource with your ministry team and discuss it together.

To download, click HERE for youth and HERE for kids.

There is no doubt that you have a lot going on, a lot to do, and a lot to focus on. When you’re a youth ministry leader, that’s just a part of the deal. But there’s one thing that you really have to focus on if you want to be an effective leader, and that’s your own faith in Jesus. It’s easy to get caught up in doing work for God and forget to pursue the very God you are working for. This month, we want to encourage you to pay attention to how you are growing in your own faith and put some things into practice that will keep you close to the God you are working so hard to serve.

To view, click HERE for youth and HERE for kids.

When it comes to putting things in place to help us maintain a healthy and growing faith, we often struggle. We know some things that we can do, but we aren’t always disciplined enough to keep them at the forefront of our minds and actions. This month’s Online Parenting Class will help you identify a few ways to intentionally give your faith development the time and attention it needs. We offer you a few things to think about and a few steps to take as you seek to prioritize your faith in a different way in this new season.

To view, click HERE for youth and HERE for kids.


New blog posts coming this month:

  • For Kids’ Ministry Leaders: Learning to Pause and Reset by Chris Sasser
  • For Kids’ Ministry Parents: Putting Our Faith First by Amy Diller
  • For Youth Ministry Leaders: Stop, Sit, Reflect, and Step? by Chris Sasser
  • For Youth Ministry Parents: Reclaiming Our Focus? by Chris Sasser

To view, click HERE