Finding Real Rest
by Chris Sasser
Where do you find rest? Really? As a parent, you may answer, “What’s rest?” I get it. As soon as our kids were born, we jumped on the treadmill of life that seems to never stop. The early years were physically exhausting with the lack of sleep, constant motion, and crazy family schedules. As our kids moved into their teenage years, things didn’t really slow down. Schedules were still busy but in different ways. Things changed, but the pace was just as frantic, and the mental gymnastics got even harder. As I think about the life that lots of us live, I can’t help but wonder if it’s time to take a step back and do things differently. Sure, there are a lot of things that we have to do and deal with that are out of our control. But we do have the ability to make some decisions that can lead us to a healthier pace and better place. We can learn how to find rest. It may not always look like we think it should look, but if we take an honest look at how we view the world and operate in it, I believe we can create a better rhythm that will give us the regular rest and restoration that we desperately need.
In Exodus 33, we find Moses attempting to lead God’s people out of Egypt to the promised land.
Moses has been following the Lord’s instructions and challenging the Israelites in many ways. In a moment of frustration, Moses implores the Lord to do more and give him some help. Verse 14 says, “The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’”
So, scripture tells us that the mere presence of God will give us rest. Being with Him can put us in a place of peace. For me, that begs the question: Am I taking time to be in the presence of God? Am I slowing down enough to give God space to speak to my heart and soul? Or do I keep on keepin’ on, hoping that somehow I can attain some measure of fulfillment on my own? Do I attempt to fill the emptiness of my heart and soul with things of the world, thinking that a sense of busyness will lead me to a feeling of importance? Deep down, I know that I am moving too fast, and I need the presence of God to sustain me. I just need to figure out how to find that kind of rest.
So, what does it mean to find our rest in the Lord? In my opinion, it’s like a lot of things in life. It’s not hard to understand, but it is extremely hard to do. When it comes to learning how to slow down and find rest, both physically and emotionally, two things come to mind.
First, I need to regularly set aside time to spend with God, and it really needs to be every day. I need to focus on who He is, how He has shown grace and mercy to me, how He has provided for me, and I need to thank Him for all of that. I need to reflect on what He has done in my life. One way to do this is through listening to music. There are so many great worship songs that speak of the greatness of God and lead us to focus on Him. Another way to spend time with God is to simply take a walk (maybe with your worship music?). Getting outside in God’s creation can often trigger thoughts of wonder and gratitude as we marvel at how great He is.
The second thing that comes to mind as I think about resting in the Lord has to do with the way we look at the world and what is happening around us. I need to come to truly believe that God is in control and I can trust Him. Oftentimes, our mental and emotional exhaustion stems from our lack of trust and our need to control things in our lives. We need to truly learn how to let go of some things. We need to be able to settle into allowing God to lead the way instead of constantly trying to manipulate situations and people so things will work out the way we want them to. When we constantly worry about things and try to control them, our heart and soul are not able to rest, and our mind is always racing.
As we navigate the craziness of life, learning to find rest is critical. The journey from our child’s first steps to the chaotic teenage years produces the need for a consistent pause. As we navigate the unending demands of life and parenting, it’s essential to remember that the presence of God is what will give us real rest. We have to consider whether we are slowing down enough to let God’s voice speak to our hearts. We have to make a commitment to daily communion with God—reflecting on His grace, mercy, and provision. We also need to embrace a shift in perspective. We need to learn to truly trust that God is in control and release the burdens of constant worry. Letting go becomes the key to unlocking the restful life we desire. In the ups and downs of life’s demands, discovering rest in the Lord becomes not just a desire but a deliberate, life-giving choice—one that promises a better rhythm and rest for our weary souls.