discussion for parents family ministry


10 Video Clips and Discussion Starters for Your Next Parent Meeting

Here are ten video clips and discussion questions to use at an upcoming parent meeting. The goal here is to give you a bunch of video clips and discussion questions for you to put in your toolbox. Use them throughout the year whenever you’re meeting with parents.

Well, here goes…

10. “Unique Parenting Style”– from the movie, Big Daddy



  • Do you think trying to be just your child’s “friend” works?
  • Why are having rules and expectations valuable in raising a healthy, well-adjusted child?
  • Discuss this verse: Hebrews 12:6.

9. “Are You Ready for Them to Grow Up” – State Farm Commercial



  • What are your biggest fears as your children get older?
  • How does parenting change as your children get older?
  • Discuss this verse: I Corinthians 13:11.

8. “A Girls Beauty and Confidence Starts with Mom” – Dove Commercial



  • How have you been affected by your mom’s or dad’s confidence and view of themselves?
  • Do you think your own children get their confidence and view of themselves from how you view yourself?
  • Discuss this verse, Psalm 139:14.

7. “Family Dinner” – from the movie, Inside Out



  • How often do you have dinner together as a family?
  • Do you feel family dinners are important?
  • What are the challenges your family has in communicating and sharing their emotions?
  • Discuss this verse, Proverbs 18:20-21.

6. “Basketball and Dreams” – from the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness 



  • What are the conversations you have had with your children about their dreams and future?
  • How have you encouraged your child’s calling and development of their God-given gifts?
  • Discuss this verse: Ephesians 2:10.

 5. “Answering a Child’s Questions” – from the movie, Young Messiah 



  • What difficult or uncomfortable conversations have you had with your child?
  • How are questions and even doubts a way to teach and develop faith in your child?
  • Discuss this verse: Matthew 7:7-8.

 4. “A Mother’s Daughter” – from the movie, Spanglish 



  • Are you a reflection of your mom or dad? How so?
  • How do you see your own child modeling you?
  • Discuss this verse: Proverbs 1:8-9.

 3. “I Choose Us” – from the movie, The Family Man 



  • How have you chosen your family over other things?
  • As a family, how do you work to make family and faith a priority?
  • Discuss this verse: Psalm 127:3-5.

2. “Apologizing to His Son” – from the movie, Kicking and Screaming 



  • When was the last time you apologized or admitted you were wrong to your children?
  • What does it teach your children, when you are willing to admit your mistakes?
  • Discuss this verse: James 5:16.

 1. “A Father’s Love” – Commercial 



  • How do you try to reflect sacrificial love and forgiveness in your home?
  • What past hurts or fights have you had in your home that needs to be mended?
  • Discuss this verse: Luke 15:20-24.

Dan Istvanik has been working in youth ministry for 25 years, serving in churches in Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Washington DC.  He is a speaker, ministry coach, writer, and contributor to other ministry resources. You can contact Dan at  www.mymresources.com, where he shares student ministry resources.

For more on how to connect with parents, check out:

Why Should You Minister To Parents?

4 Parent Events to Offer this Year

Understanding the Type of Parents Who Come to Church

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