As parents, we have the opportunity, and I would argue the responsibility, to help our teens land on a healthy identity that is rooted in Christ and their relationship with Him.
Soak Up God’s Word
Because we want kids to be able to recognize His voice, we need to help them soak up His Word and be transformed by it.
Who’s In Your Cloud?
Ministry is not a solo sport, and we all need people in our lives who are helping us learn and grow. As you think through how to make sure you are surrounded by a “cloud of witnesses,” consider a few things you might do to make this happen.
August 2024: Your August Resources Are Here!
August 2024: Your August Resources Are Here!
Two Cans and a String – Building Strong Connections Through Conversation
Conversation is one of the most important foundational pieces of relationships. We learn about one another, build each other up, offer support, and deepen our connections as we share our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs.
From Conflict to Connection: Engaging With Your Teenager
So, what can we do to have healthy conversations with our teens?