How do we know if we’re on the way to burnout? Ministry to Parents asked Tim and Tasha Levert, from Broom Tree Counseling, to share their wisdom and they identified one contributing factor: hurry. We hope “Hurry Hurts: A
How to Care for Your Wounds and Hurts in Ministry
This month, Ministry to Parents focuses on Care for the Soul. We asked Jeff and Lora Helton, from Wellspring, to share with you how to care for your wounds and hurts in ministry- whether you serve or work in a
How to Set Boundaries in Ministry
As a church leader, is it possible to identify personal and professional boundaries? What about as a spouse? Is it ideal to speak them out loud? Is it possible to set boundaries in ministry? Ministry to Parents asked Lora Helton,
6 Ways to Care for Yourself While Caring for Others
Ministry to Parents is passionate about helping church leaders connect with parents, but at the core of that passion lies the belief, “To give away, we must draw from within.” We hear stories of how you serve the Church, which