Nurturing Faith Through God’s Word
by Chris Sasser

Our daughter is a senior in high school, and she is pretty busy. I know that it can be relatively normal for kids her age, but she always seems to be on the move. She has school, sports, church, work, and a good amount of time for her friends. There is one thing that she does just about every day that I think helps keep her grounded. She spends time reading the Bible and journaling about what she is learning. This is a discipline she developed a few years ago, and I believe it plays a huge part in her growth as a disciple of Jesus.

How did she develop that habit, you ask? Well, there are a few things I could point to. But ultimately, I believe that she does it because her mom does it. Every day, my wife gets up early and starts her morning with her own study of Scripture and devotion. She has done this for years, and my kids have had a chance to watch her model what it means to value God’s Word in her life. Reading and studying the Bible have been a normal and natural part of our family life, and both of our kids have become comfortable with navigating the Bible and learning from it. This desire to learn more has also led them to engage in Bible studies and small groups that have pushed them in their faith, and we are thankful for that.

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world that teenagers navigate, your role as a parent and spiritual guide is crucial. You have the opportunity to actively participate in leading your teenager through this transformative period of life by helping them grasp and believe in the profound wisdom found in the Bible. You can model what it looks like to live a life of faith that flows from a relationship with Jesus centered on His Word. My family has experienced the benefits of building the habit of reading and studying the Scriptures, and your teenager can learn valuable life lessons that will shape their character and provide a solid foundation for the challenges they will no doubt face in the future.

We all know that the Bible has so much to offer and serves as a beacon of spiritual truth and wisdom. By leading our teenagers to explore its pages, we, as parents, can enable them to develop their own deep and meaningful relationship with God. The Bible is a source of comfort, offering peace in times of trouble, and it provides a moral compass to navigate the complexities of life. Through regular study, teenagers can cultivate a strong faith that becomes an anchor in the storms of adolescence, helping them navigate the choppy waters of peer pressure, self-discovery, and societal expectations.

As parents, maybe set aside some time to have family conversations about what you are all learning from the Bible. These conversations can foster a sense of community and deep bonds. Low-pressure, casual conversations about faith and the Bible can create a sacred space for parents and teenagers to connect on a spiritual level, fostering open communication and understanding. This shared experience can not only strengthen the family unit but can also reinforce the importance of faith as a cornerstone of life. As parents, we have the privilege and responsibility to be the primary spiritual influencers in our teenagers’ lives, guiding them toward a deeper understanding of their faith and encouraging them to build a personal relationship with God.

In addition to spiritual growth, engaging with the Bible enhances critical thinking and discernment skills. The Scriptures are rich with parables, prophecies, and historical accounts that encourage thoughtful reflection. By encouraging teenagers to dive into the depths of Scripture, parents promote intellectual curiosity and equip their children with the ability to think critically about complex issues. This not only strengthens their faith but also prepares them to engage with the world around them from a Biblically informed perspective.

Finally, engaging with the Bible instills a sense of purpose and direction in the lives of teenagers. As they grapple with questions about their identity and purpose, the Scriptures provide a roadmap for understanding their unique role in the world. By exploring biblical narratives and teachings, teenagers discover a sense of belonging and significance, realizing that they are part of a greater narrative orchestrated by a loving and purposeful Creator. And you, as their parent, have the chance to point them toward the one resource that will always be there to guide them along their journey, and that’s the Word of God.

So, take the time to regularly read the Bible yourself, allowing the Word of God to mold and shape you. Model what it looks like to develop spiritual disciplines in your life. And then, help your kids do the same, not settling for a faith that is based on what other people teach them about the Bible but on what they have learned themselves through their own honest and thoughtful exploration.