As we listen to church leaders describe their desire for parents to lead their kids spiritually, we notice a continuous theme. It runs throughout the conversations over and over- parents don’t know where to start. This tension leaves them feeling uncertain and, at times, insecure. As Elisabeth Lee, co-owner of Ministry to Parents, listened to their story, she thought about a personal project she made over ten years ago for her two boys. This is the story of how she turned it into a book…How to Understand the Bible for Kids and Teens (with 9 Pictures). Just one of the many resources church leaders can use during our current series on How to Help Parents Prepare for Spiritual Leadership.
An Idea Becomes a Reality
When Elisabeth’s teenage boys were five and three, she longed to teach them about the story of God’s love in a concrete way. She scoured the internet as well as her local Christian stores. Yet, she couldn’t find exactly what she was envisioned. Continuing on the hunt, she drove over to the local teacher’s store. There she ran across reams of extra-large butcher paper. An idea came to mind.
After buying the blue butcher paper, she quickly drove home. Because the ideas were coming quickly, she picked up pencil and paper to write. What came next was a timeline. A Map. It contained the main points about God, His Love, Jesus, Spirit, Church, the Bible, and more. Finally, she finished and then transferred it to the blue butcher paper.
Being a mom of boys, she had to think about where to hang this Timeline on a giant piece of blue butcher paper. Where do boys sit still for longer than five minutes?!? The most logical conclusion…the bathroom. 🙂 So, for a season, the paper hung where the boys could see and know His story. As friends visited, they begin to ask if they could take pictures of the Timeline. They, too, wanted to teach their children God’s love story in a practical way.
Beyond the Family
In 2019, she partnered with Deborah Fisher to turn the timeline into book form. As the boys grew into teenagers, they could always have it available, if and when needed. Elisabeth also gave the digital form of the Timeline to the members of Ministry to Parents. Now church leaders could instantly email How to Understand the Bible for Kids and Teens (with 9 pictures) to their parents.
This parent resource is just one example of the heart behind the M2P material. We want to help church leaders prepare their parents for spiritual leadership. This result is the endgame, the “why” behind all we do. Yes, we give church leaders “done-for-you” digital resources, but it’s bigger than that. We want, hope, and pray for discipleship among families (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
Next Steps
If you want to learn more about helping parents with spiritual leadership, join Elisabeth and Jeremy for their 9-part podcast series, How to Prepare Parents for Spiritual Leadership. They offer non-intimidating solutions to church leaders so they can equip their parents with passion and purpose. You will learn how to give parents a vision for leading, confidence, a blessing, practical tools, community, and more.
Click HERE to start the series.
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