Your February Resources Are Here!
As children’s or youth ministry leaders, the month of February often becomes a metaphorical fork in the ministry/parent ministry road. You’ve worked hard all summer to get your children’s or youth ministry team recruited, trained, and placed. You successfully launched the new ministry year back in August/September with the kids or students in your church. You’ve established your communication plan with parents, and you may have even started to see some traction in that area. You’ve started to notice a few of your ministry team volunteers catch on, and they’ve begun to engage with the parents of the kids or teenagers whom they lead (without you having to plead with them to do so). Now, this dedicated yet still budding team that you’ve worked so hard to assemble and the parents you have been serving together for an entire semester are looking to you as a ministry leader for what’s next. You have a choice to make: Option #1—You consider these first semester gains a “job well done” and drop anchor for the rest of the ministry year, hoping that the leader development/buy-in, parent equipping/engagement, and the ministry itself will continue to grow with the seeds you’ve already planted. Option #2—You lead your children’s or youth ministry to take the next step, sow/water some new seeds, and do your best to take new ground in the areas of encouraging, equipping, educating, and training your ministry team and the parents within your span of care.
If you choose (or are even willing to consider) Option #2, this month’s resources are for you! As an M2P subscriber, you already know that we believe in encouraging, equipping, and engaging parents to help them become more confident and capable in leading out (and living out) the Gospel at home through at-home discipleship with their kids and teenagers. We are also dedicated to equipping you, as a ministry leader, and those who serve alongside you with practical resources that are aimed at building/leveraging relationships with the parents of the kids or students whom you shepherd.
This month’s M2P resources are designed to do two things: #1 To help you, as a children’s or youth ministry leader, better understand your audience and what you have access to with your MinistryToParents subscription. Our Children’s or Youth Ministry Leader Blog will provide you and your team with some insights into those you lead. Our Coaching Videos will cover a more in-depth look into all the resources you have access to with M2P. You might even learn something new. We are also providing you this month with your own Children’s or Youth Ministry Leader Toolbox Resource. #2 To help you challenge and encourage parents to take the time to find the resources they need to grow in their parenting, give them some ideas about where they can look and provide them with ideas to use as they seek to lead their families. This month’s Online Parenting Classes encourage parents to do everything they can to learn and grow as a parent and to actively seek out resources that will help them, their kids, and their teens. This month’s Parent-Focused Blog Articles help parents focus on providing what their kids and teens need during the different phases of their lives. This month’s Parent Toolbox Resource is another edition of our popular bundle called Discipleship Starts At Home. This time, we are helping parents build more Biblical knowledge and confidence by providing them with a bundled resource they can use to lead their family on a study through the Book of Romans. Lastly, our social media resources will reinforce the idea that all parents need to be constantly learning and growing. Oh, and don’t forget to listen to this month’s M2P Podcast, where we have a special guest who is in the trenches at a church every day using M2P in some incredibly unique ways to help equip his parents. It’s all designed to serve you as you serve the parents in your church.
Your friends and ministry partners,
The M2P Team
This month’s Toolbox Resource is made up of two main parts.
· Part one, Ten Ways To Utilize M2P More Effectively, was designed and created for you as a children’s or youth ministry leader. It’s a curated list of ten ways you can utilize M2P more effectively in your children’s or youth ministry.
· Part two, Discipleship Starts At Home: Romans, was designed and created for you to use to equip the parents within your span of care as they seek to be the primary disciplers of the kids and teens in their homes. This discipleship and bible study resource is the second installment of a very popular resource (actually several resources that have been bundled together) that we previously provided for the book of John.
· Ten Ways To Utilize M2P More Effectively
- Download the Ten Ways To Utilize M2P More Effectively PDF.
- Read and explore all the resources that your M2P subscription provides you.
- Discuss with your ministry team ways you can implement some of these ideas/resources to be more effective in encouraging, equipping, educating, and training the parents within your span of care.
· Discipleship Starts At Home: Romans
o BIG QUESTIONS. SIMPLE ANSWERS. is a brief e-book that offers parents a way to learn and explain the Bible’s Big Story to their children and teenagers in an easy-to-understand format. The topics are:
§ What is the Big Story of the Bible?
§ Why do we have four Gospels?
§ What is the Good News?
§ What is the Bible?
§ Who is God’s Family?
o FAMILY BIBLE STUDY: ROMANS is one of M2P’s Family Bible Series that is designed to help parents lead their kids and teens through a book of the Bible and have spiritual conversations as a family. This study is all done for you and is simple to use. It includes:
§ Book Summary that comes complete with descriptions of the setting, overview, and theme of Romans.
§ Daily Reading Plan that breaks each of the 16 chapters of Romans down chapter by chapter into seven themes.
§ Family Journal sheets help guide the reader’s thoughts through each chapter. Every journal sheet corresponds with a chapter in Romans and provides space to write (or draw), share favorite words, and more. This section creates opportunities for spiritual conversations over dinner, at night before they go to bed, in the car, or anytime the opportunity arises.
Each of the resources found in Discipleship Starts At Home: Romans is designed to provide parents with a practical tool they can use to lead spiritual exercises and conversations that will help their kids and teenagers grow in their faith and position the parents to be the primary spiritual leaders for their family. Each of the resources offers a different experience, and parents can use one or multiple of them as they seek to help their kids and teens grow into true disciples of Jesus.
- Download Discipleship Starts At Home: Romans containing the two resources.
- Post the resources on your website or email parents a copy of the resources.
- Encourage parents to set aside some time this month to use one or more of these discipleship resources with their kids and teens.
- Print copies of the resources for parents to grab at church.
Parents are the most significant spiritual influence in the lives of kids and teenagers, yet many of us as children’s and youth ministry leaders are so busy with weekly programming, event planning, recruiting/training, meetings, message prep, and building relationships with kids and students that we don’t have time to strengthen our ministry to parents or equip the parents within our span of care. However, our churches are filled with parents who are struggling and ultimately disengaging in many ways. These parents are left to their feelings of frustration, exhaustion, doubt, discouragement, and are ready to give up. They feel as if they are drowning and all alone. We, as the Church, are perfectly positioned to come alongside these parents in their time of need, offer them encouragement to continue on, and equip them with the resources they need as they seek to be the primary disciplers of the kids and teens in their homes. As children’s and youth ministry leaders who are living out our calling, we have a pulse on who our audience is, the developmental phases they are going through, and the issues they are navigating or need to be able to navigate. This is the time to lean in, engage, and equip the parents in our churches to become the primary disciplers that God has ordained them to be!
With that in mind, in this month’s coaching videos, we want to provide you with some in-depth insight into parts of your M2P subscription that you might have missed and maybe open your eyes to a few things you could be using more effectively. Our hope this month is to resource and encourage you to keep making ministering to the parents in your church a priority and know that, as you equip and encourage parents become more confident and capable in leading out (and living out) the Gospel at home through at-home discipleship with their kids and teenagers, you are making a Kingdom difference in the world.
To view, click HERE for youth and HERE for kids.
As parents move through their day-to-day lives, they are busy. They are busy with work, finances, and family commitments. They are busy with personal and social engagements. All this busyness means that parents often don’t have time to focus on the things they need to focus on when it comes to leading their kids and teens in a healthy direction. And when it comes to leading their children spiritually, they often don’t know where to look to get the help they need. They are dealing with situations and circumstances they have never dealt with before. The kids and teens they are raising are changing every day, and they need to not only better understand who their children are but they need to better understand the culture and how it is shifting. It’s a lot to keep up with!
To complicate matters, many parents feel ill-equipped to have spiritual conversations with their kids and teens. They may not be where they need to be spiritually themselves, so they shy away from having conversations that can lead them into deep waters where they don’t have the answers. As kids and teens get older, the conversations become more layered, difficult, and the stakes grow ever higher. These are the times when parents begin to doubt and lack the confidence to step into the role of spiritual leader. These are also the times when parents need more than encouragement; they need practical information, ideas, and resources to navigate these conversations and to lead out (and live out) the Gospel at home through at-home discipleship with their kids and teenagers.
This month’s Online Parenting Classes will encourage parents to both find the time and tools they need to grow spiritually and find the resources they need to lead their kids and teenagers into a growing and vibrant faith. These videos give parents encouragement and practical ideas that will hopefully spur them on to lead in a way that is helpful to them, their children, and their family.
To view, click HERE for youth and HERE for kids.
New blog posts coming this month:
- For Kids’ Ministry Leaders: “Child Development and Its Importance for Church Leaders” by Amy Diller
- For Kids’ Ministry Parents: “Ages and Stages: What to Expect as Your Child Grows” by Amy Diller
- For Youth Ministry Leaders: “Building a Parent Ministry at Your Church” by Chris Sasser
- For Youth Ministry Parents: “Finding Help as a Parent of Teens” by Chris Sasser
To view, click HERE