Tackling Technology: How to Be a Resource for Parents

Tackling Technology: How to Be a Resource for Parents

One of the biggest issues in raising kids today is setting healthy boundaries around screen time. Parents love their kids and want to do what’s best for them. They know having rules in this area is very important, but they don’t always know the why, the when, and the how. For this reason, your godly support in these areas is invaluable.

Ages And Stages – What To Expect As Your Child Grows

Ages And Stages – What To Expect As Your Child Grows

Each child develops at their own pace and displays each skill at different points throughout each year of their life. Our job is to support and guide their learning, providing opportunities for them to practice their emerging growth. Let’s look at some of the main characteristics of development for each elementary grade and how we can encourage and nurture children’s new-found skills.

Finding Help As A Parent Of Teens

Finding Help As A Parent Of Teens

I need to find ways to grow and learn as a parent if I’m going to both maintain my sanity and help my kids grow into the man and woman I pray they will become. If you can relate at all, I would encourage you to consider doing a few things that will help you be a better parent and help your family step into all that God has for you.