We all know parenting teenagers isn’t exactly a walk in the park. It’s sometimes like navigating a maze blindfolded. But here’s the thing: amidst all the chaos of curfews, homework, sarcastic comments, and eye rolls, let’s not forget about something even more important – nurturing their hearts and guiding them spiritually. Sure, it’s easy to get caught up in the practical aspects of life, but our teenagers need more than just rides to soccer practice or reminders to clean their rooms or turn the volume down in their earbuds. They need us to be their spiritual shepherds, walking alongside them as they navigate this crazy journey called life. They need for us to care for them in ways that go beyond just correcting them and getting things done. They are craving real relationships where they feel a heart connection from a shepherd who is seeking to love and guide them along the way. It takes changing your mindset and focusing more on molding of their heart than directing their path.  

This month, we want to give you some things to think about when it comes to shepherding the heart of your child, along with some simple yet practical ways to do it.




In this month’s Online Parenting Class, we want to encourage you to think more deeply about the ways you are caring for your kids beyond just meeting their practical needs. We spend a little time looking at Jesus as the Good Shepherd (John 10:11), and we encourage you to see yourself as a shepherd, willing to sacrifice and truly know your teenager on a deep level. It’s so important for you to work to build a strong relationship with your teens, working to protect them while also giving them room to grow and mature. As a shepherd, you have the opportunity to provide not just actual food but spiritual nourishment and point your teenagers to a real relationship with God. As you shepherd them, you will need to embrace your imperfections and rely on the grace and care of Jesus for yourself as you navigate the complexities of parenting in today’s world. Tending to sheep is hard, but they need it more than we know, and as we lead and guide them, we need to be led and guided ourselves by the Good Shepherd, who loves us more than we can imagine.

To watch the video, click the PLAY button below.



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